Best Gaming Laptop.

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Apr 11, 2012
Guys can you please suggest me some mid ranged priced best Gaming Laptops. I mean not the alienware or the MSi ones.

This one is Perfect!
Its USD $899
Has a GTX860M
High end Intel i7

Its by Lenovo so the company is well known

I knew it was a matter of time before someone brought this up lol

I wouldn't focus on this too much at this point as this is easy eliminated since the built in Windows 8.1 Windows Defender program picks this up from its newest update and deletes it
Yah But I agree that its good though to stay from major brands because of the bloatware
When I get a lappie in here that's dragging its tail, I simply take off user data, wipe the driver and reinstall the OS from a OEM DVD and register with his original key code appropriate drivers, copy back the data and give it back.

The other thing is that in order to hit their price points and look better than their competition, they will advertise the CPU, GPU and RAM say, and then don't mention the crappy 5400 rpm HD that they thrre in to offset the cost of that stuff.
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