Best Gaming Monitor under 500$?


May 26, 2016
Hello everyone,
I'm in the process of building a new gaming setup and I'm going crazy over what monitor to get.

My budget for the monitor is 500$ and my system will include a GTX 1080.

I currently picked up this Asus at Microcenter
But I'm not sure I made a good choice. I thought I would still benefit from the 144mhz even if it doesn't have GSync but now I'm not so sure.

A friend told me I should get a 4k display instead and forget about the 144mhz?

I am completely lost.

Thank you very much.
first of all its 144Hz second, it depends on what typ of games u play.
like for roleplaying games like the witcher 3 60 hz is great for a mooth experience.

but for competitive csgo you want 144hz because it matters alot.

i keep this simple, stunning display colours and viewing angels+gsync 60hz.
bad vieuwing angles and good/ok colours 144hz.

or both but that u need to break a rib and pay 700 dollars.
Thanks for the help man, would it be possible to have all 3 options? just to have an idea of what I should be looking for?
But if I had to pick one, I think I would pick the stunning colors over refresh rate, probably.

Like mentioned, I did buy the Asus mg279q but I'm not sure I like how toned down the colors are. I tend to like more vibrant high contract displays. Maybe it's because it's not glossy? I'm not sure. I also don't know if it's worth for me to keep even not having G-Sync

As far as games played, I will definitely be playing Dota 2 and League in which refresh rate is not as important as CS but still relevant and a wide variety of single player games, mostly RPGS. Looking ahead to Deus Ex, Mass Effect among others.

Thanks again!

Are you saying that VSync will work even if I'm using an Nvidia GTX 1080?

I was under the impression that the VSync was a waste with an Nvidia card. That's why I wasn't sure if I made the right purchase. I do have a month to return it if I'm not happy with it so I don't mind taking the time and getting a better monitor if there is one.

Your mixing definitions up mate
The monitor you bought is freesync enabled (this feature only works with amd gpu's) - you don't really pay any kind of premium on the monitor price to have it included.

Freesync - AMD hardware based monitor / gpu perfect fps syncing

G-Sync - Nvidia hardware based monitor / gpu perfect fps syncing

V-sync - entirely gpu based and or Nvidia fps lock to your monitors hardware based refresh rates.
The monitor you have supports 30/60/100/144 htz refresh rates.

If you're playing a game where the gpu cannot maintain 144fps it will drop instantly to 100fps, if it can't maintain 100fps it will drop to 60fps etc etc.

Adaptive-vsync - Nvidia gpu based syncing - this allows drops 1fps at a time from your max refresh rate of 144htz , it's built into the 1080 & is enabled from the Nvidia control centre.
It's essentially a entirely gpu based version of gsync.people will say it introduces lag etc, I personally don't see it, & think it dies a good enough job.

Gsync adds roughly $100 to the price of any monitor that includes it.If you can afford that then theres no reason not to have it but at $100 or so cost I don't think it's worth it personally.

To get a 144htz ips gsync enabled screen you're looking at $700 plain & simple.
Damn! thanks for clarifying man. I definitely got confused between Freesync and Vsync!

Indeed mate , & that's really only a decision you can make.
I'll take slightly higher latency ips over a 4ms tn though personally any day of the week.
I think your Asus may just need a bit of attention setting up properly , because simply if you find the colours washed out on that screen the dell isn't going to impress much either.
Push your contrast upto 70-80% , lower the brightness till you find it comfortable - you should get a lot more 'punch' colour & definition wise then.

If it has a preset sRGB setting then that is always a good place to start calibrating from imo.

The $530 Acer gets very very good recommendations but it's a big punt money wise without seeing one in the flesh.