Best Gaming Monitors (Archive)

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Your views are completely biased typical Tom's Hardware. He completely forgot to mention the LG 32 inch gaming monitor with g-sync completely blows away the Predator line. But now I believe Tom's is biased toward that particular line anyway.?
Would you consider adding bed HDR monitors?
It is the next trend in monitors and so many "HDR" monitor is not really HDR because of poor panel can not show HRD content as they should... And HDR is really interesting concept, if and when it is supported by software.
We would and will add picks for HDR monitors. I personally use a Sony HDR 4K TV with a peak brightness of about 900 nits as my monitor at home (and do a fair bit of gaming). But in terms of HDR gaming content and gaming-specific HDR monitors, I think we're still in the very early stages. Once we see more games and gaming screens, particularly those rated at HDR 600 and up, we will add a section for HDR gaming monitors. In the meantime, you can check out our monitor reviews page, which has reviews of more than a few HDR dispays--just not gaming-specific models.

Consider waiting for the release of the BFG displays. (Big Format Gaming)

65", 4k, 120 hertz with G-Sync

I don't expect it to be cheap, but I do expect it to be sexy.

How about this one for $220? Did I do good?
"Acer Gaming Monitor 27” Curved ED273 Abidpx 1920 x 1080 144Hz Refresh Rate AMD FREESYNC Technology"
Many options there still nothing close what i and believe also many others would want. 32'' 100Hz+ non curved 4k Gsync or Freesync and factory calibrated at reasonable price around $1000 max.
You're not gonna get a monitor with feature set at a price that low until you get mainstream (ie ~$250) single GPUs that can drive that performance. There's way too much engineering involved in a panel that can do HFR + 4K + G-Sync to make it that cheap.
Seems there is a big jump in the prices in the article, $170 for budget, then goes up to almost $400, then to $500 and up.

There must be a 24-27" model range with 75,120,144hz good for gaming that is in the $200 range to put in also.
I would like to see a review of 43" 4k/UHD monitors. Seems that many (all?) have an issue with pixels where glass meets bezel. There is also a lot of confusion when it comes to supplied software to split the screen into multiple virtual screens. One customer review talked about virtual screens automatically expanded running apps to fill the virtual screen. Very undesirable in my opinion.

The top of my list so far is LG, followed by Dell.
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