Best GPU for +/- $510 USD


Apr 8, 2012

I would like to upgrade my GTX 560.
But i can't choose between several 670's and Radeon HD7970's.
I Read good things about both, for example the XFX HD7970 Double Dissipation, it has very good performance but i also read some people having heat problems, and others not.

Budget Range: 450 - 500 USD (350 - 380 euros)
Current GPU & PSU: Asus ENGTX DCII/2DI/1GD5
OCZ ModXStream PRO 700W

Other System specs:
Motherboard: MSI P67-GD65 (B3)
The case has a good airflow, my current 560 is overclocked to 915 Mhz idle temp around 35 degrees Celsius.

Preferred Websites:
I live in The Netherlands, most GPU's on newegg are also for sale here.
If you understand the language you can check these site; (prices in euros)

Parts preferences:
That doesn't really matter, the highest overall performance.
For example, HD7970's have 3GB GD5, i like that :p

A little bit, no SLI or Crossfire

Acer H235H, 1920x1080p

I find it really hard to choose, could you guys please help getting me in the right direction.

Thanks in advance! :)



Wait. In a month or two the Nvidia Titan comes out. If it turns out to be better at gaming than expected, you could save a little more and sell the 560 and get one. Or you don't need to get it, because it will lower the prices of other GPU's...

Either way, wait.


Apr 8, 2012

Okey, i guess i'll wait for a couple of months.
But the Titan is expected to an expensive card.
Rumors go for about 900 euro's, thats 1200 USD :p

Thanks for the advince, i can also save some more now for a even better card :)
Actually, it looks like the next generation of cards have been pushed back to late 2013 now. The Radeon 8000 series isn't launching until Q4 now, and I think Nvidia is launching the 700 series at about the same time as well. The only new release on the horizon is the GeForce Titan, but all indications are it is going to cost nearly twice the OP's budget, so that's probably out. As such, there isn't much point in waiting. Unless Nvidia decides to price the Titan at around $600 or lower, which is doubtful, it won't effect the prices on any of the other cards out there.