best gpu for 900p gaming


Jun 21, 2014
what is the best budget gpu for gaming at ultra settings in 1600*900 p for the next 2years?
it would be bettr if u stick to nvidia cards plz....but amd names are also welcome

The only time they might bridge the gap between the 750 ti and the 760 would be when maxwell comes out.

If i were you i would get the r7 270, or if you want more power...
If you are gaming i would recommend that you eventually get a 1080p monitor. For 900p though you could get by with a Nvidia 750 ti or 270 (AMD card).

Although you probably wont be maxing things out completely with the 750 ti.

The only better card that Nvidia has to offer would be the 760 but that is a lot more expensive.
750 ti:

R7 270:


He said budget and at 900p a 770 is extremely over kill even with eye candy.

The most expensive card i would recommend is either the 760 or the 280


He also said "for the next 2 years". A 750ti will do what he wants now, but not in 1 year, much less 2. There's no reason to lie to him. He can decide himself whether a GTX760 or 770 is in his budget.

I did not lie about anything...
Well i dont really care about msaa....fxaa will do just fine...but i want my other settings to b at ultra...and the minimum fps at 25-30is quite fine with me....and appreciate the help....and about 750ti...i think it is a bit ovrpriced...should i wait for the 800series?...or there any prblm in going with a prev genrtn card like gtx650ti boost?keeping in mind about next gen(although i cant find any noticable dffrnc btwn the genrtn based features of the 700 and 600...mayb i overlooked)....and can i expect a nvidia card to bridge d gao btwn 750ti nd 760?

The only time they might bridge the gap between the 750 ti and the 760 would be when maxwell comes out.

If i were you i would get the r7 270, or if you want more power r7 270x.

The 265 is also a good card thats better than the 750 ti but the 270 is cheaper with the rebate but if you dont like rebates its the way to go.

270 (150 with 30 dollar rebate):

270x (160 with a 30 dollar rebate):

265 (150 no rebate):