Best GPU for my system


Dec 2, 2015
Hi guys,

I'll be in the US in a few weeks for the holidays, and would like to purchase a new GPU while I'm there. I just want to make sure I don't end up walking away with a graphics card that isn't compatible with my system, since I'll be installing it when I get back to Europe and won't be able to return it. Here are my system specs:

HP Pavilion P6-2315EL (Desktop)
Intel Core i7 3.4 GHz
1000 GB HD
AMD Radeon HD7570
Windows 10 (upgraded from Windows 8)
300 watt power supply

I know it isn't a high-end system, but the weakest link appears to be the Radeon 7570, with its low performance ratings ( Any tips on the best graphics cards I can purchase in my budget range, compatible with my system? Note that I have a preference for NVIDIA cards over AMD.

Thanks for the reply! I was hoping not to go over $200, $250 max, and lacking experience in replacing components, I'd rather not get into anything more than swapping the graphic card if possible.

What about a GTX 750 Ti? According to its spec sheet it requires 300w, and should perform noticeably better than my current GPU.
The 750Ti uses more than twice the power of your current card. Might work, but you're really on the edge here... Especially since you have an i7. If you had an i3 it would be less of a problem.

But with that budget, you can buy a good ~$50 PSU and a $200 graphics card.