What is the best GPU for Ryzen 5 3500x+b450 aorus pro mobo for 1080p/1440p ultra?... if its posible....
I would suggest an RX 5600 XT, a solid card for that price point.im in the philippines, im trying to look for best gpu in $250 - 300, im not planning to oc. I already have the cpu and the mobo...
im in the philippines, im trying to look for best gpu in $250 - 300, im not planning to oc. I already have the cpu and the mobo...Whats your budget and where are you located?
I would suggest an RX 5600 XT, a solid card for that price point.im in the philippines, im trying to look for best gpu in $250 - 300, im not planning to oc. I already have the cpu and the mobo...
I would suggest an RX 5600 XT, a solid card for that price point.
I have no idea if its running at that 300 price in the philippines i couldnt find an online store reputable enough to check.
RX 5600 XT is around $320 - 385/ 16500 - 18950 Php... i do agree RX 5600 XT is a solid card but can it run properly in my mobo... my mobo only supports PCIe gen 3.0... the gpu RX 5600 XT is I think a PCI e gen 4.0 interface... so is it ok run this gpu on my mobo? really sorry..... its my first time building my pc.. still exploring lots of things..