Best GPU to pair up with E7600?


Apr 4, 2018
I've got a HP Pavilion with C2D E7600, 4GB DDR2 400mhz RAM and a GT 220.

What GPU is the best to pair up with the E7600 and not bottleneck? Maybe exactly on-pair with one another. I was thinking about a GTX 460 or something. Any recommendations?

Btw, i'm trying to make this a low budget as possible.
What is your psu?
GTX460 is very old and hot tech that will need a 500w psu or stronger.
It is probably too slow for gaming.

A GT1030 might be the weakest card that would be considered a gaming card. It is stronger than GTX460.
A GTX1050 might be appropriate if you like fast action shooters. Either will run with a 300w psu.

The PSU is good. It's an LC Power 600w one which i bought new. It holds up well and i've used a couple of cards with it, no problems at all. Has a descent output and doesn't deliver about 200w or something, perhaps 450 atleast.

As i said, i'm really going budget on this. However, i won't be playing any newer titles any time soon because of the processor and the RAM limitation which is capped on 4GB. I'd mostly play CS:GO, Dota, WoW and some older titles such as Black Ops 1, 2, Skyrim, Witcher 2 in which some of these already work flawlessly but i'd like to play them ALL perfectly. 😉

Would a GTX 460 or 470 be good for that?