Best gpu under $600?


Mar 23, 2013
To max all games and most importantly skyrim WITH a bunch of graphic mods. I can't go sli and crossfire would only run at 8x and 8x so I don't think it would be worth it.

So what card should I get? Was going for a 7970 ghz vapor-x but I read lots of reviews of it being low ASIC quality? But no idea what that is, seemed like a big deal though.

So what should I get?
Right now the choices would be the GTX 680 or the HD7970, however later this month Nvidia is releasing the 700 series so you may want to wait for a 780 or 770 depending onpricing which hasn't been confirmed yet(just rumors).
Two 660 Ti's in SLI will toast any single GPU card.....even twin 650 Ti Boosts beat the 680 and 7970 Ghz Edition.

For Skyrim at 1920 x 1080, High Settings 4AA (32% advantage to the 660 Ti's)

7970 Ghz Edition - 127.5
660 Ti in SLI - 167.8

And none of this stuff:,3466.html

And x8 x8 is just fine, x4 is unacceptable.

Yes that will work just fine. And your board will support SLI. Go 7970 or 2 7870 video cards or gtx 680 or 2 gtx 660Ti in sli.

Am I missing something ? MSI says ya board supports SLI
at top right
Support CrossFireX/SLI Technology

SLI technology allows using multiple Nvidia graphics cards in a single computer system with a motherboard equipped with an nForce SLI MCP. Users need an a motherboard with two PCI-Express 16x graphics slots and two matching GeForce graphics cards which are "SLI Ready". Most NVIDIA's PCI-Express graphics cards starting from the 6600 GPU can enjoy the benefits of SLI.
Support For:
CrossFire Y


I say it supports SLI cause that's what MSI website says

Follow PCpartpicker to the newegg link

MSI Z77A-G45 LGA 1155 Intel Z77 HDMI SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 ATX Intel Motherboard with UEFI BIOS
CFX/SLI, Military Class, OC Genie II, THX, UEFI

And no I would NOT consider Crossfire:,3466.html

By the way, ya may wanna get the Asus version .... has more USB 3 ports

Yeah just read all that, thank you for bringing that to my attention. This was my favorite board only disappointment was no sli. Guess pcpartpicker needs to change that. Thank you!
So now that that's settled which gpu should I get? I prefer nvidea for its stable drivers and sli.
Any card that is comparable to the 7970?

Edit: @jack I have a haf 912 case so 3.0 USB are kinda pointless 😛 thanks though, but I think the msi board has more features and looks more"high quality?"
Read the reviews and decide for yaself

Asus GTX 670 DCII Top (now called OG). Hss lower factory OC but has 8 phase VRM and manually OC's to same level, has handpicked GPU

Gigabyte Windforce and MSI OE also have 8 phases..... EVGA SC and FTW have less

HD 7970 Ghz Edition