Best graphic card for Phenom X6 1090T


Nov 24, 2014

Few years back I bought my PC with CPU Phenom X6 1090T and ATI Radeon 6850 graphic card. For now my GPU still keeps up, but is geting too old for modern games, so I thought to get me a new one soon. Usually every few years I change my entire PC configuration, but currently I can't afford it, so a new GPU should be fine for next 2-x years. I read that with modern cards and old CPU you can get a bottleneck.

I'm not an expert in this field so is hard for me to know what to buy to not get one :) ... I don't want to buy a GPU for X € which will run only on 70-80% of capacity ... so I rather buy the best one which will run at 100%.

Any advice is appreciated.

The 1090T is one of the best CPUs that AMD has ever made. Even it's current offerings are often not any better. Especially with a slight overclock, that 1090T should be able to keep up with all but the top end Intel CPUs.
Definitely upgrade your GPU if you want better performance. Your CPU won't be a significant bottleneck unless you start spending more than $1000s on a multi-gpu setup. Both the R9 290 and 290x are great buys right now with recent price cuts. You would notice a huge performance increase over the 6850. If you are more budget conscious, even an R9 270x should more than double your performance. Choose how much you want to spend and take a look at the Tom's article...
The 1090T is one of the best CPUs that AMD has ever made. Even it's current offerings are often not any better. Especially with a slight overclock, that 1090T should be able to keep up with all but the top end Intel CPUs.
Definitely upgrade your GPU if you want better performance. Your CPU won't be a significant bottleneck unless you start spending more than $1000s on a multi-gpu setup. Both the R9 290 and 290x are great buys right now with recent price cuts. You would notice a huge performance increase over the 6850. If you are more budget conscious, even an R9 270x should more than double your performance. Choose how much you want to spend and take a look at the Tom's article,3107.html to decide the best card for the price.