Best graphic card suitable for my rig , any recommendation


Feb 25, 2013
Hello . My rig is a core 2 duo 2.93 ghz processor , 6 gb ddr3 1333 mhz ram , 450 w power supply , 500 gb harddisk , 20 " monitor , i play games at 1600x900 resolution my psu has only a 4 pin aux power cable , which is the best graphic card which can support this rig without bottlenecking , which should run metro 2033 like games atleast at high settings . I was thinking of buying radeon hd 7750 or hd 6790 or nvidia gts 450 . Which one is most suitable . Any other recommendations ?
I also have a similar rig and i have amd 5570. You could opt for7750 if you have enough psu requirement. It will run at mid to high settings at that resolution. Metro is more hungry than bf3 at highest settings! However cpu is a bottleneck. Do you have stock cooling! Also psu name and model would be helpful
I would go with getochkn. Go for 7750. If you find problems then get a cheap 500w psu. I think it will work fine! You will be able to play a high settings with some medium as well. Good bet indeed!
If you had a six pin pci connector you could have gone higher! I was trying to check that! Sorry if it was a hassle!

gtx 650 needs an external power connector which you psu doesn't have. It is not recommended to in higher as you cpu will bottleneck! So 7750 is best without upgrading your system!