I'm looking for a 60fps max settings GPU for my new PC build, I am going for a i5 4690k and am looking for a good match of a GPU to go with it. The card size is limited as im using the NZXT S340 . I would like to play GTA V, Battlefield 4 all at max settings (if possible) my max price for the GPU would be £250. Any help much appretiated
The build:
I5 4690k
Msi gaming 5 Mobo
8gb vengeance ram
1tb hard drive
Nzxt s340
750w psu
It should be a mid range build with a good cpu as I want to be streaming and playing games on the highest settings possible for that type of build.
The build:
I5 4690k
Msi gaming 5 Mobo
8gb vengeance ram
1tb hard drive
Nzxt s340
750w psu
It should be a mid range build with a good cpu as I want to be streaming and playing games on the highest settings possible for that type of build.