best graphics card to play at ultra on 768p


Mar 13, 2016
Hello guys i want a graphics card to play games such as crysis 3,gta 5,AC Syndicate,BF 4 all at ultra settings with all filters and AA,MSAA,FXAA maxed out at 768p resolution with 45-60 fps.My system is running a i5 4690k oc to 4.3 ghz and a evga 500 watt in India my budget is near Rs.15000-17000 if you can get a cheaper one that would help me a lot to buy some new games.Thanks in advance.

If you have to pay your own electrical bills, 960 for sure, it's about 40% less energy use! If absolute performance is your thing and your room temperature is <~28C, 280 might be better, but if you're gaming in >35C definitely go with the 960 so you don't have temperature issues.
Everything maxed out will still require something like a 970 or 390, even at that resolution, for the newest games. For those games though, a 280 might be good, though it might not be in your price range in local stores. The 270 and 750ti will most likely be in your price range, but will not play max settings even at that resolution.

Adding MSAA and other ultra features will drop frames quite a bit ( At that resolution though, you should get reasonable results (steady 60+)
i read that nvdia has MFAA technology in its 900 series gpu's so if I set the MFAA to X4 it will give the same performance of MSAA X4 on the cost of X2 MSAA but i also read that radeon graphics card are very good at handling MSAA and SSAA so I have two options here either to buy a new gtx 960 for Rs. 15500 or a used r9 280x with 1.4 ys warrenty at Rs.14000 since a new one is not available in stores.Which one would you recommend me on the basis of performance,and the gtx 960 will be 2 GB version

Nonsense. MSAA is completely separate to the new temporal msaa. Neither the 960 nor 280 will handle msaa very well even in 768p, so don't bother. It's not very useful compared to just using DSR at 1080p and outputting 768

If you have to pay your own electrical bills, 960 for sure, it's about 40% less energy use! If absolute performance is your thing and your room temperature is <~28C, 280 might be better, but if you're gaming in >35C definitely go with the 960 so you don't have temperature issues.