[SOLVED] best graphics card with amd fx 6100


Sep 24, 2022
i have a fx 6100 and msi gt 630. I have a modecom next 2 mid tower pc with gigabyte ga-78lmt-usb3 rev 6.0 and 550w akyga ak-b1-550 bronze
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i have a fx 6100 and msi gt 630. I have a modecom next 2 mid tower pc with gigabyte ga-78lmt-usb3 rev 6.0 with 550w akyga ak-b1-550 bronze

There's no point in going past a GTX 960 on this platform, and your horrifying low-quality fake 550W PSU (it's not even a 300W PSU) means you need to run far away from any GPU that uses significant power. A GT 1030 is as far as I'd go under these circumstances, though even that isn't risk-free.
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I thought im can put here a rtx 2060 and buy a fx 8150
you can say me a good power supply for thats setup? or fot that fx 6100 and gtx 960 (now i have a gt 630)

You can buy an RTX 2060 if you upgrade the PSU.

Anything Tier B or better would be appropriate.

However, there's no AM3+ CPU that makes much sense for an RTX 2060. Past GTX 960, the returns become extremely small, so there's no point unless you're going to upgrade your entire platform (CPU, motherboard, RAM) in the near future to something modern. AM3+ is a 2012 platform that was an underperformer in gaming even back in 2012. I wouldn't bother changing CPU unless you literally get it for free.
I would not spend money on upgrading this system too much, sell it as is, use the money to swap to a more modern platform. By the time you upgrade the PSU, the video card and the CPU you are half way to a new system anyway, just need the motherboard. Find a used recent Ryzen or Intel i5 system, then build around that.
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There's no point in going past a GTX 960 on this platform, and your horrifying low-quality fake 550W PSU (it's not even a 300W PSU) means you need to run far away from any GPU that uses significant power. A GT 1030 is as far as I'd go under these circumstances, though even that isn't risk-free.
a be quiet! is good?
Instead of a 1030, get a used 1050ti from the bay; they can be found for around $100. There are models that won't need additional PCIe connectors and will power up from the motherboard directly, but be sure not to get one of the fake ones.