Best Gtx 1060?


Jul 7, 2017
i a looking for pc parts to build a new pc and i have found a pretty cool card (ASUS GeFor​ce GTX 106​0 STRIX Ov​erclocked ​6GB GDDR5 ​Video Card​ w/ FanCon​nect). so i have done some research and people say that it isn't worth it and that i should just get a lower priced one. So i was wondering if this card is actually worth the price of $369.99 or should i get another one.
Currently GTX 1060s are way over priced to the tune of being over $100 above release MSRP thanks to the current cryptocurrency mining craze. If I were looking at needing a GPU right now, I'd be shopping the used market. A 6GB GTX 980Ti for example is way faster for the same current price of a 6GB 1060. GTX 980Tis are currently selling on eBay for $350-$370.
Hi, if you're willing to spend the money then you should go for the model you mentioned, if you're a bit tight on the budget then I don't see the point of getting an expensive one since they all perform very similarly. See if MSI Gaming X fits in your range.
If not, then go for Asus Dual OC version, great for budget.

im fine with spending the money for the STRIX but as you said what is the point of buying a more expensive card if they run similar? Is it the OC capability or what?

OC compatibility? Hehe no way, it just comes overclocked from factory. You should have no trouble doing that yourself.
Go for the Asus Dual, it's a great card.
Currently GTX 1060s are way over priced to the tune of being over $100 above release MSRP thanks to the current cryptocurrency mining craze. If I were looking at needing a GPU right now, I'd be shopping the used market. A 6GB GTX 980Ti for example is way faster for the same current price of a 6GB 1060. GTX 980Tis are currently selling on eBay for $350-$370.