Best GTX 10XX for my needs?


Oct 5, 2016
Need some advice and/or help deciding or a course of action with my current Gaming PC, with the following specs:

CPU – i5 6500
GPU – GtX1060 Gaming X 6GB
3 x 2TB WD Blue HDD’s
MOBO -MSI B150m Gaming
RAM – 16GB HYPER 2400Mhz (2 x 8GB Sticks)

The Question:

I game predominantly on a 42inch 60Hz Samsung TV – No real plans to upgrade to UHD TV for another year or so. I am thinking of upgrading to the GTX 1070 or 1080 and getting a 500GB SSD for Windows installation.
I would consider myself a gaming enthusiast, with over 450 games in my Steam Library, but I do not consider myself a gaming fanatic.... I’m not someone who needs to over clock my CPU and GPU to flammable temps to try an eek out an extra frame of FPS, I also don’t really need to max out graphic quality. I have been gaming at High to Ultra settings since 3Dfx graphics card days.

Money, for this decision at least, is not really a factor.

Which GTX do I need....? And I mean need, not which one is best etc.... I know the GTX 1080 is hands down the card of the moment but do I really need one?

A further question:

Is it possible to transfer windows installation from HDD to SSD and not cock up my files and/or system? D o I need a PC guru to do it?
for the games you'll be playing, timeconsumer and nons3ns3 are right (my opinion). a 1060 is more than fine.
if you start playing very graphically intense games, a 1070 would be fun.

You can swap windows from a HDD to an SSD using any one of numerous tools out there. I would just google how to and see which tutorials you like best. If i remember when i did, its pretty simple. You plug both in and clone the HDD to the SSD.
for the games you'll be playing, timeconsumer and nons3ns3 are right (my opinion). a 1060 is more than fine.
if you start playing very graphically intense games, a 1070 would be fun.

You can swap windows from a HDD to an SSD using any one of numerous tools out there. I would just google how to and see which tutorials you like best. If i remember when i did, its pretty simple. You plug both in and clone the HDD to the SSD.
Hey Guys,

Yup, was pretty much thinking the same thing - Getting solid 60fps avergae on ULTRA on pretty much everything I throw at the GTX 1060 @ 1080p 69Hz... But, you know how it is we gamers like shiny NEW things and I got a bad case of the "Got-to-buy-frigging-something" bug....

So, save the money on the GPU and Upgrade what? Just the SSD? Another 16GB RAM? Upgrade to i7 6700?

Or, should i juts save the money and get hopelessly drunk? :)

Thanks for all the advice from everyone: hdmark, n0ns3ns3 and timeconsumer - Gratitude!

Was a little worried I was going to get told how crap my rig was and stuff.... Nice to know there are people out there just trying to do others a solid!
16gb of memory is all you need. No need for 32gb. Adding an SSD is definitely worthwhile. I wouldn't bother with a 6700, for gaming the 6500 is perfect.

Otherwise, save the money. Maybe in 3 years if you decide to go to 4k the extra $100 from here will help you.
ya im liking the drunk idea. i went with a 250gb SSD for the OS and warcraft and am very happy with it. you could get away with just a 120gb for 50-70$ for a good one fi you want. throw just hte OS and maybe a game or two on it that you play a ton. or go crazy , get a 500 or 1tb SSD and throw everything on there.

personally... 250gb and a 6 pack or two sounds good to me
Lol.... Trying to explain to my wife that I need to get drunk and get laid and not necessarily in that order... She decilined but then I explained i had $500 odd that needed to be spent and we could go away for the weekend... I literally saw the rubic cube turning in her brain....

Yup, think I will do the EVO 750 500GB SSD - Problem is I don't want to have to do a fresh install of win10 and my current primary drive, 2TB HDD, has 1.5TB on it.... Going to have to delete a ton of games etc or back it up and then do the cloning...

Any suggestions on a great, but free, OS cloning or HDD to SSD cloning software?
i think i used EaseUS . there's gotta be a way to only clone windows and some folders but not the entire drive. maybe something with partioning? honestly im not sure. I forget what i did. and i think i reinstalled windows afterwards anyway becuase i had just gotten the computer and was paranoid.
also, if you can afford the little extra. id go for the 850 evo. pretty sure its decently faster and a bit newer