best gtx 960 4gb?

i3 2100 4gb ram dh61ho mobo upgrading in 1 year

why wouldnt the board support the card. The intel dh61ho MB has a pci-E 3.0x16 slot on it. Not knowing what you have available in India, I would go with ether EVGA, Gigabyte, Zotac, MSI, Asus. You also have options between stock cards and factory overclocked cards within those brands as well.

card is supported

which brand card is best tell 2 best brands please i need 4gb

All of them are good. Most people rely on Asus. Gigabyte motherboards are also good. And MSI is good too. Don't have that much idea about EVGA.
Like i said is dont know what is available to you over in India, for me my #1 brand is EVGA but i have used all 5 brands mentioned in my post and have not had any issues with them.

The last few cards i have bought in the past 6-7 years
2 gtx 460's by EVGA, stock cards overclocked pretty well.
2 gtx 480's Amped by Zotac, come factory overclocked and pushed even more.... topped out in the low 900Mhz range
2 gtx 580's twin frozr by MSI pushed both cards over 1000Mhz
2 gtx 560 Ti twin frozr by MSI running at stock speeds
1 gtx 670 FTW By EVGA stock speeds
1 gtx 980 SC by EVGA stock speed.

The 2 580's are the only cards not being used anymore, but they are sitting on my desk. All other cards are still running in a machine.

Oh my God. Sorry I said motherboards. Yeah,in India all those brands are available.