Best Headphones OR headsets for Gaming under 200$?

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Aug 30, 2015
Im looking to upgrade my G230's to some new headphones, or headsets. Id prefer to get headphones and add a mic to it. Like I said, anything under 200$ would be good.
Ive looked into the Cloud 2's, the MTH 50x's, the DT770 Pro's. I was about to get the 50's but I discovered they have poor a sound stage, and I play Rust (its like dayz), so I think I need a good soundstage.
My bro has the Razor Tiamats and says they're allright, but nothing great, and reviews say the build quality is weak so I don't want to buy those.
Looking for some high end audio quality headphones that are also good for gaming.

Are there are other headphones/headsets you guys have used that you you recommend for gaming? Thanks!

I love my Sony MDR-7506 Professional Large Diaphragm Headphones for their durability and the fact that you can wear them for long periods of time without them becoming uncomfortable...bought one for my son too. And the sound quality is great too...
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