Best lga 1151 motherboard between $100-150?


Oct 14, 2015
Going to pair an i7 6700k with a motherboard and 16 gb ddr4 2400. Can someone recommend a good motherboard? I've been looking at the z170-a-

I'm planning on overclocking to something like 4.5, and perhaps overclocking the RAM but probably not. I currently only have one gpu, a gtx 970, but I would like the ability to SLI later. Anything better than the z170-a for this price range?


Wait, is that compatible with DDR4? I know in the title it says DDR4, but the only review on that website says it isn't. I'm super confused.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z170X-Gaming 5 ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($139.99 @ Micro Center)
Total: $139.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-05-09 14:04 EDT-0400

DDR4-2133 / 2400 / 2800 / 3200

How is it superior to the z170-a? What features? Does it overclock better? I can get the z170-a for $20 less, that's why I'm asking.