Best liquidcolling parts


Jul 12, 2013

I'm thinking about upgrading my first self build system, with liquidcooling. So now i started reading about liquidcooling, but my problem is that often the thread/article/guide, is 2 or 3 years old, and i would like to know which brand I should be carefull about, and what brands I safely can buy from. It is my first computer build so i'm still pretty new to all this, but i felt it was the time for some new stuff.

The cooling system i was hoping to build should be able cool all the parts CPU, GPU and the ram, but because of money it will first just be for the CPU. I have a I5 2500K with stock cooler, and i would like to try and overclock it, so i need to get some better cooling.

What I have been able to read me to, is that i need a big case (so i'm going to upgrade the the Corsair 900D). First i need a Reservoir, and through a tube it should run to the pump, on to the CPU, and then to the radiator back to the Reservoir, and that is the loop. If I'm later are going to upgrade the GPU to a liquidcooling, i just need to go from the CPU to the radiator, or should i have an seprate loop for that?
Rather than us giving our opinions of what you should or should not get, here's a VERY useful sticky in forum that covers all your questions and more.

In addition, it has links to ACTUAL DATA from tests performed so you can make educated choices and not just some fan opinion that may or may not have a basis. Read ALL of it, follow links - get a good understanding what you are getting into before you start buying parts and waste money. Once you have a good understanding, we can help you better
Rather than us giving our opinions of what you should or should not get, here's a VERY useful sticky in forum that covers all your questions and more.

In addition, it has links to ACTUAL DATA from tests performed so you can make educated choices and not just some fan opinion that may or may not have a basis. Read ALL of it, follow links - get a good understanding what you are getting into before you start buying parts and waste money. Once you have a good understanding, we can help you better

There's no need to be rude. You could have easily given that sticky without trying to subtly point out that what I said was wrong, and no data was provided. Well, no data really needs to be provided, since it is extremely simple to look at watercooling setups and realize that not everyone has enough cash for a case like the 900D; there are (as I said), plenty of watercooling setups in smaller cases. I am right about that. There is no need for you to be rude about it.
You can ask any person on the forums who has experience with WC, and they will tell you that you don't need a 900D for a WC setup. I am, in fact, planning a CPU+dual-GPU in my 650D, and it's going to work with room to spare.

Cooling ram is the biggest waste of money you can do. OP you're looking at atleast 700 dollars to do what you plan
Sorry you took it as me being rude. Actually, point was to get OP to self educate and not rely on opinions of others. Happens a lot. Rather OP make choices based on fact they have learned from is all. Didn't intend anyone get defensive.

That said, our goal is to help. Not shove our opinion as fact. If OP wants 900D so what. Wants WC instead of air, ask why and help, not tell them waste of money. Sometimes people want to do things simply because they can. You can offer an opinion, but if not also constructive, well... that IS rude in fact.

Far too much negative of why OPs shouldn't without helpful reason backed suggestions lately. They come here for help, not berating. Gives THF a bad rep

I was simply suggesting that OP could save hundreds on unnecessary parts. I agree that perhaps it was a bit harsh; however, it is indubitably true that one does not need a $350 case for a WC setup. I think that it is great if OP wants that case, I was simply just saying that it isn't something that they need, and the OP was implying that it was.
Thanks for all the answers, and yes i actually don't need WC, but but as most of the parts in my computer i don't need them, but it was my first build, and i wanted to be able to . I have learned a lot since, and i think one of the best ways to learn is, to try, even though it might not cheap...
I have always been fasinated by people who place water in their computer, so now i think it was comming to, that i should be that crazy person.
The Corsair 900D is because i would like a case that i for a long time can be able to upgrade, and for makeing it easyer for myself, when trying to make cablemanagement, and WC. Now i have a NZXT Lexa S, and it is a very small case, even the cables was hard trying to be placed somewhere

I have been comming a bit closer with the choosing of my WC parts, i would like to have the Tubes blue, favorite colour and compression fittings, because they sound pretty fool safe. For the Pump am i considering the Swifttech pump MCP, but not sure which one. And actually also swifttech for the rest, because they sounds like a quality products. But if you have had any Swifttech product let me heat what you think about them
Those libks in the sticky to martinlabs and skinnelabs will give you a good base of hardware comparison tests for blocks rads and pumps.

There's a few versions of the MCP655. The -B is a bit less powerful. The vario version has a 5 speed settingon the back. Most users find 3-4 a nice balance of quiet n flow.

That guide will also help with determining how many/size rads u need. 900D is great for wc. The couce of tubing color rather than liquid dye is often favored for less complications down the road, so good call

Keep learning! We'll help as you need :) refreshing to see someone take the chance to learn and not just jump in unaware