Best Low Budget Graphics Card for my PC

Sep 10, 2018
Im looking to spend $50 - $70 ($70 in all after shipping and taxes) on a graphics card for this PC. It is a Lenovo Ideacentre 300s, and i need a new one for Live streaming. ATM i can do 1080P just fine. But around 2-3 times a stream my OBS will say "Encoding overloaded" ATM all I'm using is the integrated graphics on my PC so literally anything would be better.

Here are Gyazo's of my PC's motherboard:

If anything else or any other questions let me know. And thanks for any and all replies.
That PC is very thin, I don't even know if a graphics card would fit in. You have to check how much space you have inside and how tall is the GPU you're gonna buy. We should know too which is your CPU to find a nice match.

Anyway your budget is very low so maybe you can go for a used 750Ti or something.
Ok thanks for the advice. And here is more info if it helps. And i was looking to spend $70 on it. And maybe a little more after shipping. But thats all i got at the moment. :/

Extra info(Incase it helps)

And Phazoner IDK how to reply directly to you on this site. I guess just posting an answer is how. But here is info on my CPU. Yes my computer is very thin 🙁 thanks for the reply (More info on my CPU)
The good news is that the 4460S is a powerful CPU that can even handle up to mid range gaming GPUs like the 1060 :) so for that budget the best graphics card that you can afford and fit in will be a nice match.

For that budget the 950 is the best you'll find. If you can't find any for your budget, go for the 750Ti. And don't forget to look first for the model in the internet to know if it will fit (or you can use it with the box opened xD). Also, check the power supply, it could be not powerful enough.
Thanks for the fast replies. But thats why i was posting here. Idk if it will fit. I was hoping someone here would know. I saw people telling other people what would and wouldn't fit :/ and thanks imma look up those 2 GPUs right now.