Best Low budget PCIe X8 Card for RemoteFX

Raoul Jap-Tjong

Jul 3, 2013

I have an old HP Proliant ML350 G6 server that has 1 x PCI Express Gen 2 x16 (x8 speed) slot. Im looking for a gpu atleast capable of running directX 11 as i want to start a RemoteFX project.

Most internet searches are comming up blank so thats why im trying it here.

Thanks in advance,



I placed an old ECS GeForce GT 220 i had laying around. But server 2016 cant even see the card in device management. When installing its software its not even detecting it. Either its death or just to old.

Yes its X16 slot. As i just found out myself. Its listed as 1 x PCI Express Gen 2 x16 (x8 speed) thats why i messed the x8 up. I will alter my post.