Best Low Profile (Single Slot) Graphics Card?!


Jul 14, 2011
Hey there, I currently have an ASUS 6570 1GB in my slimline case, it's a great card but I feel like I need more.
Other than the 6570, which low profile card would you say is the best?
I need a card which is drastically better than an Asus 6570, and price is no problem as long as it's less than £150. (UK User).

Thank you for all the help, I appreciate any answers.
The most powerful low profile card that I know of is a GIGABYTE Radeon HD6850, but it cost around $280 so that out of your price range, unless you can perhaps find a used one in the UK.

You may need to settle for a low profile Radeon HD 6670. There are currently no low profile Radeon HD 7000 series cards. nVidia doesn't really have a low profile card that can compete with the Radeon HD 6670; at least in the US.


May 2, 2012

As of right now it's still the 6750, though if you can get away with only a single slot (not low profile) card there are 7750's that will serve.

One thing to note if you're building a new system, go with an onboard ATI graphics chip AND the 6750 and you can "Hybrid Crossfire" with that and squeeze a little more performance out of your graphics.

Singe this is the first result for "best single slot video card 2012" I intentionally went beyond the scope of the original question.