[SOLVED] Best memory for ryzen right now


May 28, 2018
So i know their are literally thousands of posts about this topic, but nothing that ive found really answers my question. Basically im looking upgrade my current 8 gigs to 16. I currently have corsair ddr4 3200 vengence. Its ok but i want 16 gigs for better triple A games such as BF5 or RDR2. I tried corsair vengeance lpx ddr4 3200 2x8 white, had two kits come in, both were defective(memtest86 ran for 5 mins and reported thousands of errors. Im not sure if it was being that they were bought from amazon or not. So my question is what is your favorite and reliable brand of memory for ryzen? Ive got a b350 mb too. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
It comes down to the CPU you have. First gen Ryzen worked, for the most part, with 2933mhz to get it stable. Second gen was 3200 & third gen is 3600 CAS 16 or 3733 CAS 17. With a B350 board 3200 is probably the fastest memory it supports but it comes down to the exact model. I've always had good luck with Gskill Ripjaws memory.
The thing about Ryzen is that it LOVES fast memory. Faster RAM can lead to pretty significant FPS differences depending on the game believe it or not. I had 16gb of 2666hz and upgraded to 16gb of 3600 mhz RAM and it suprisingly made about a 10 fps difference in most games like battlefield and battlefront. Corsair vengeance is extremely reliable


If you have the budget maybe even go up to 4000hmz. Any reliable brands like HyperX, corsair, crucial are just fine. Just don't get any no name brand green sticks. Hope this helps!
The thing about Ryzen is that it LOVES fast memory. Faster RAM can lead to pretty significant FPS differences depending on the game believe it or not. I had 16gb of 2666hz and upgraded to 16gb of 3600 mhz RAM and it suprisingly made about a 10 fps difference in most games like battlefield and battlefront. Corsair vengeance is extremely reliable


If you have the budget maybe even go up to 4000hmz. Any reliable brands like HyperX, corsair, crucial are just fine. Just don't get any no name brand green sticks. Hope this helps!
Could my first two kits from corsair just conviently been defective or could their maybe have been a problem else where? I havent had any issues in a while due to memory. I would like to get faster speed but im not sure the motherboard could support higher than 3200 (asrock ab350m pro 4 board) according to asrock its max is 3200 oc. Maybe ill try corsair vengence again but from a company like newegg or microcenter?
Could my first two kits from corsair just conviently been defective or could their maybe have been a problem else where? I havent had any issues in a while due to memory. I would like to get faster speed but im not sure the motherboard could support higher than 3200 (asrock ab350m pro 4 board) according to asrock its max is 3200 oc. Maybe ill try corsair vengence again but from a company like newegg or microcenter?

Your begeance ram being deffective sounds like a very rare issue. Ive used vengeance for years but things happen where even reputable brands have issues. If you are still weary of vengeance curcial Ballistix is another reliable brand. And yes, your motherboard cant go beyond 3200mhz which should be plenty fast enough for your ryzen system.

Crucial Ballistix DDR4 3200mhz https://www.amazon.com/Crucial-Ball...ial+ballistix+ddr4+3200&qid=1589048576&sr=8-1

Or, if your feelin fancy, throw some rgb on em
I am using Crucial Ballistix Ram for years and until now Ballistix Sport LT are great value for the money. Especially if you tune them by hand.
I would not bother with 3600+ kits because they are getting expotentially expensive and your B350 board will most likely limit the frequency you can reach.
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The thing about Ryzen is that it LOVES fast memory. Faster RAM can lead to pretty significant FPS differences depending on the game believe it or not. I had 16gb of 2666hz and upgraded to 16gb of 3600 mhz RAM and it suprisingly made about a 10 fps difference in most games like battlefield and battlefront. Corsair vengeance is extremely reliable


If you have the budget maybe even go up to 4000hmz. Any reliable brands like HyperX, corsair, crucial are just fine. Just don't get any no name brand green sticks. Hope this helps!
How could you recommend RAM without knowing what CPU he has?
It comes down to the CPU you have. First gen Ryzen worked, for the most part, with 2933mhz to get it stable. Second gen was 3200 & third gen is 3600 CAS 16 or 3733 CAS 17. With a B350 board 3200 is probably the fastest memory it supports but it comes down to the exact model. I've always had good luck with Gskill Ripjaws memory.
Currently its a 2400g but looking to get either a 2600 or 3600.
Your begeance ram being deffective sounds like a very rare issue. Ive used vengeance for years but things happen where even reputable brands have issues. If you are still weary of vengeance curcial Ballistix is another reliable brand. And yes, your motherboard cant go beyond 3200mhz which should be plenty fast enough for your ryzen system.

Crucial Ballistix DDR4 3200mhz https://www.amazon.com/Crucial-Ball...ial+ballistix+ddr4+3200&qid=1589048576&sr=8-1

Or, if your feelin fancy, throw some rgb on em
Im currently using vengence and its working great. I know its very rare for ram to go bad but whenever i put those kits in it either got lots of bsod or bad preformance. Maybe ill try to get a kit through newegg vs amazon?
Which motherboard?

While 3600 or 3733 is ideal for the Ryzen 3600 it would be pointless to upgrade your memory if the motherboard doesn't support those speeds.
its a asrock ab350m pro 4 mb, if i went 3rd gen however id at very least get b450 or wait till 550 are out. Im thinking when zen 4 comes out 2600x will get cheap and get that with this system. get to 16 gigs of ram and have a fairly deacnt system until its time to upgrade in a few years.
its a asrock ab350m pro 4 mb, if i went 3rd gen however id at very least get b450 or wait till 550 are out. Im thinking when zen 4 comes out 2600x will get cheap and get that with this system. get to 16 gigs of ram and have a fairly deacnt system until its time to upgrade in a few years.
Rumors are stating the 4th gen Ryzen's will only be usable on B550/X570 boards so if your looking forward to those then you'll need to replace the motherboard as well. Since your current board supports a max of 3200mhz then there's no reason to upgrade the memory at the moment.
Rumors are stating the 4th gen Ryzen's will only be usable on B550/X570 boards so if your looking forward to those then you'll need to replace the motherboard as well. Since your current board supports a max of 3200mhz then there's no reason to upgrade the memory at the moment.
Yeah i saw that. Im not planning on upgrading to a 4th gen ryzen, dont really need it when second gen and my 1060 will last a few more years. I mainly wanna upgrade my ram for capacity rather than speed. I currently only have 8 gigs.
Going from the 8gb to 16gb would be a good upgrade.
Thats what i was thinking. I got confused when you said its not worth the upgrade i was like? Why? lol. I think ill give vengence a try again but from newegg instead of amazon. I really hope it was just a fluke and not somthing wrong with my system. I really like the white vengence sticks, they look really good in my system.
I meant the speed of the memory but I did forget you only had 8gb 😛

It is odd that you had two previously defected kits though.
Exactly, i dont know if it was something in my computer that didnt like them or not. I ram memtest 86 and within 5 mins had errors. Im kinda thinking of upgrading the motherboard too to either get better second gen or 3rd gen ryzen. ive only got a 1060 6gb so not looking to go too crazy. if i can get a 450 would faster memory be better(pending it can support it? Some gigabyte boards ive been looking at on the cheaper end can go up to 3666)
At this point I'd probably wait for B550 as it should be out soon (hopefully).
I was reading b550 arent gonna support anything under 3rd gen ryzen. I dont wanna get 3rd gen ryzen because my 1060 will be a bottleneck. im thinking a b450 and a 2600x to be a good processor with the 1060 6gb Im thinking the Gigabyte aorus board or the pro 4 from asrock. Aorus can get up to 3666 memory speed while the asrock can only do 3200 oc. Now im wondering too if i should just not upgrade the board, Just upgrade from a 2400g to the 2600x on a b350 and upgrade the memory to a 16 gb kit of 3200.
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