Best, Most, Stable router for Nvidia Shield and Steam Streaming


Feb 6, 2009
I currently have a WGRT54L flashed with DD-WRT that I've been using for years. Its rock-solid stable and only needs reset about once every 6 months.

I want to start at-home streaming games off my desktop. So I need Wireless N or better. I've been shopping around but it seems like everything for sale has mixed reviews. The ASUS routers are nicely rated but many people are all reporting they straight up die in 6 months.

Netgear is netgear, I've never owned or worked with a good netgear router.

Pretty much EVERY router ever seem to have it frimware crash at least ever other day according to reviews. Pretty much every router flashed to DD-WRT is rock stable.

DD-WRT compatible models, all seem have have hardware revisions making them impossible to flash. Even the venerated 54L is now pretty much unusable since the new revisions don't support dd-wrt.

So what is a router that doesn't suck?
It would be nice if the router manufactures would stay with a solid router platform rather than playing the revision garbage. This is the key reason I never recommend any particular burned by vendor that changed the hardware but did not even bother to change the model number or mention it was not incompatible with all third party firmware.

It is almost hard to find routers that are not compatible with third party firmware. Some of he newer ones based on marvel chipset seem to be the exception.

It would be nice if they built routers that lasted but when someone will pick a different device because it is $.01 cheaper. Generally I like asus and tplink devices mostly because the vendors actively support third party firmware. Much the same as linksys did before it went to cisco and now belkin.

Still it seems every consumer device on the market is designed to last a couple of years at the best. ...then again many people wanting new and shiny toys replace them at that rate for no real reason anyway.

This is so strange because equipment can be made to last years. We have a couple of commercial cisco routers that are getting close to 6 years since we even rebooted them.

Hard to say how you find a reliable hardware since the internal parts change even in the middle of manufacturing runs.

If you play with dd-wrt you know that many routers with lots of name plate have identical radio/cpu inside so they should be pretty much the same.
The Shield is intended to connect to a 5Ghz router. You would want a high end N (N900) router or an AC router. The Asus routers have second source firmware available for them. Some of them can run DD-WRT or Tomato. Others have a second source firmware called Padavan or Merlin ....
There are very active forums over at with lots of info on Asus routers.
I know this is a really old thread but if anybody else happens across it, I bought a ASUS RT-N66U router. I couldn't be happier. Far greater performance than my old Linksys running DD-WRT and the ASUS firmware is really stable.

My only caveat is the router runs really hot. So I made sure to stand it up and set it out in the open for better heat dissipation. I think this router will cook itsself ifs boxed up.
Hi i just discovered steams streaming service..and also discovered that my router isnt up to snuff for steaming so i am looking for a new router for steaming and i too was think of asus n66u. How are you finding it may i please ask.?
Would it be worth it for wireless steam steaming... I know that wired will be the best way to get a stable performance but did you try it with the wifi to streaming games cus that's wat i am lookin to do... Wired will be my last option.
As for your router running hot how long will you think it will last?? Hopefully longer than 6months lol..
I dont now weather too get this router or a newer version of the router...
Ohh and is the asus n66u modem/router or is it a router alone..

Aplogies for asking so many question... I have been researching about this for a week now and i would love to get some real world experiance and advice.

Thanks man