Best motherboard for all round gaming? August 2014


Aug 13, 2014
I'm building a new gaming rig and am unsure of what might be the best gaming motherboard to fit my desire. At this stage I'm not concerned about the cost.
Rough outline of computer specs:

i7 4790K
GTX 780 ti
Corsair Vengeance Black DDR3 1600mhz 16GB (2x8GB)
Samsung EVO 256GB SSD + 1TB HD
Corsair AX860 PSU
Cooler Master HAFX case

I'm not too concerned about unique features on a motherboard but we all love perks. Please feel free to comment on the other computer specs.
To summarise, which is best?
ANY advice and information is welcome!

Shit that was a quick response thank you. I'll thoroughly check these out. Do you have any advice on the rest of the rigs specs?

What make is your hdd? And you don't need 16gb of ram, 8gb is fine for gaming, and also, if you only plan on gaming, a i5 4690k will do, the i7 only helps if you render or 3d stuff etc. and what model 780 ti?