So I am basically in the same boat, except I have no pending project due. I would like a system that could edit video well (tho not sure how much i will actually use it for that) and I would like a system that could play games well (tho not sure how much i will actually use it for that).
It may just stream netflix movies and be a music hub for me, but I want a pc that isn't a package deal from wal-mart or best buy (as that's all I've ever had), and I'd like to be able to build it myself, and I'd like it to be able to habdle whatever I need it to for a bit.
I live in Oklahoma, so I don't have anything like a microcenter near by. I was looking at the AMD Phenom II X6 1090T Black Edition because it seemed like 6 cores clocked decently high would be enough for a couple years of operation, i was wanting a motherboard that could take 2x4GB DDR3 RAM upgradeable to 4x4GB DDR3 RAM.
I was thinking to get this case
as it's cheap and seemed easy to work on. I'm sort of in the dark as to what sort of graphics card to get tho. If there are new processors and graphics cards due to be released soon that will change the sort of recommendations you would make, are there current processors and cards that are expected to drop in price that i should look at, or would the new ones be the ones to get? I too have a macbook i operate off of, my PC when it was still working was a HP Windows Media-Center Edition PC, I was not planning on using anything from it.
I have a 23 inch acer monitor (that can do the 1920xwhatever resolution required for high-def) that i bought shortly b4 my pc died a year ago that I'd like to start using more again... possibly to watch blu-rays on if a opt for a blu-ray drive.
I have some soso altec lansing 2.1 speakers.
I was also looking at the Ultra LSP750 750-Watt Power Supply (below) b/c it seems like power supplies are important too but this one seemed good and cheap.
pretty clueless tho, do i need smaller harddrives with higher RPM to run the OS on, or is that just what people did b4 computers were really fast... please help, not sure where to start. I'm thinking $700 is what i'd like to set as a limit.