"Time for outrage !" was a good one.
I also like reading Pierre Larrouturou, but i don't think it's translated in your weird language.
They were also some books about religion, but it's forbidden to talk about it here. (same with Pierre Larrouturou... it talks about economics)
Education of a Wandering Man, Louis L'Amour - not a fan of his westerns, but this is truly a great read.
Captain Sir Richard Francis Burton: A Biography, Edward Rice - just flat out amazing!
Education of a Wandering Man, Louis L'Amour - not a fan of his westerns, but this is truly a great read.
Captain Sir Richard Francis Burton: A Biography, Edward Rice - just flat out amazing!
Recently, i enjoyed reading some books from Hunter S. Thompson.
"The Proud Highway: The Saga of a Desperate Southern Gentleman"
"Fear and Loathing in America: The Brutal Odyssey of an Outlaw Journalist"