Best non-reference brand for 1080ti ??


Aug 25, 2011
Fan boys please stay away .. I only need professional answer .. which brand is preferable for 1080ti ??

I do OC for sure as m' targeting for 4k .. This new EVGA FTW3 good ?? 3 fans any usage ??

m' already using 970 msi model ... m' really happy with it .. I just want to know what is going to best in 1080ti :)

Depends on how you define "best". Personally I consider the best card to be the one with the highest quality components so which has the best FETs,most robust VRM, most overclokable memory, etc not which has the highest base and boost clock out of the box. We have not had any in depth PCB analysis of any 1080 ti cards other than the founders so its still too early to say which card has the best components and VRM.

I also look at the cooler, however most open air cards like the msi gaming for example have very good coolers that will perform with a few degrees of each other with the same fan profile.

I will say that I really like the ASUS Strix cards for the nvidia 10xx cards so far but I have not seen a strix 1080 ti yet. The EVGA ICX card also looks nice. But as for a definitive answer as to which is the best, I dont have one
I think OC ability should be considered as well. Does anybody know anything about the OC'ing ability on each of the cards yet? Or even from past experiences from the manufactures themselves? I read a review ( and the Asus Strix OC, had a +85MHz increase to the Core frequency and +450MHz for the VRAM. I'm not too familiar with OC'ing GPU's, and was wondering how other cards may compare? Is that even a good OC? Would you think the other cards would be relatively the same or is there the possibility of a massive increase compared to the Asus?

How far a card will overclock is more down to luck of the draw than anything else. If a card has an adequate cooler and VRM it's going to be down to the core itself more than anything how far that card will overclock. So no particular vendors card's assuming they have a halfway decent cooler an VRM should average better overclocks than any other vendors card's.

When you say VRM your referring to "voltage regulator module" correct (So power phase)? Sorry, I'm new to this concept. I noticed the Gigabyte one is 12+2 and the Asus is 10+2. Would 12+2 be significantly better than 10+2 and/or warrant a purchase over the lesser PF? I would want to be OC'ing in the future, so I need a card that performs well but can be pushed.

as far I read no use .. 10 phase is fine for these non reference cards .. zotac is offering 16 phase 😛 those are for nitro over clocking people


if we go back who used best components on 1080 card ?? My main preference is best components .. so that we can oc any card manually 😀