
May 3, 2017
I want to know the best quality stream I could get with my PC build. I want at least 720p or higher, I record/stream
PC is overclocked to 4.0 ghz
PC Specs:
Intel G3258 CPU
Crucial Sport 8GB Ram
Seagate 1TB Hard Drive
Zotac GeForce GTX 750 Ti
EVGA 500W Power Supply

I can play games fine
I play CSGO around 100 fps high settings
Overwatch Ultra Settings- 60-80 fps
Minecraft- 300-400 fps
LoL- 200fps

There are good settings. I currently use OBS when I game, stream, and record. The problem is that recording is a CPU intensive process. I tried to record using a CPU 2 tiers above yours and it was very low quality because the CPU couldn't handle the game and the stream. Most of the big streamers and YouTubers you see use 2 PC's, 1 as their encoder for streaming/recording and 1 to game on. Not that the newer I7's and Ryzen CPUs are out it's possible to do both on the same machine.,4312.html That's a link to this sites CPU hierarchy chart. As you'll see your CPU is very far down the list. This means that its not fast enough to handle gaming and streaming/recording. It's almost not enough to game on anymore as games are needing more and more power.

Like I said I can run triple A titles around 60-80 frames, so gaming isn`t a problem for me

Well you're welcome to try it I can give you some settings but I doubt the results will be very good. I was gaming just fine on my old rig as well but when I tried to game and record it maxed the CPU. Are you using OBS or OBS Studio? If still running stock OBS I'd update to OBS studio they've made some efficiency improvements that may help. I'll list the tab to click and then I'll go down and list the settings.

Output Tab==> Recording
File Path- File path that you want your recorded videos to end up in
Recording Format- mp4
Audio Track- Only leave the check in box 1 and 2 leave the rest blank. If not recording your voice only game audio only box 1
Encoder- NVENC H.264
Rescale output- leave blank

Rate Control- CBR
Bitrate- 5000
Preset- Default
Profile- High
The rest can stay as is.

Video Tab
Base Resolution- Your monitors native resolution
Output Resolution- 1280x720 only use this if playing the game at a higher resolution
Downscale Filter- Lanczos
FPS- 30

Advanced Tab
Process priority- Normal switching it to high may help in your case as this gives OBS CPU priority
Renderer- Direct3D 11
Color Format- NV12
YUV Color Space- 709
YUV Color Range- Partial

Leave the rest to whatever they're set at. Those setting are the ones I used on my old CPU. is my YouTube channel I use those same settings except I record in 1080p 60FPS at a bitrate of 15000 (which takes a beefy CPU). I hope this helps and hey I could be wrong if I am post the video back in here and lets see the results :)


Insomniac Jack's settings are decent for your build. Although I would change your bitrate down to about 3000 or even 2500. Make sure under the recording settings under output that you make sure that the rescale output box is not checked. This will lower cpu usage for recording and reduce lag after the stream is recorded. Don't listen to people when they say you HAVE to have Ryzen. Because I stream 1080p 60fps with a cpu that came out 5 or 6 years ago. Just play around with it and maybe watch a YouTube video on it.