XHunterYT :
But there are good settings for recording at 720p? Cuz im mostly focused on recording than streaming
There are good settings. I currently use OBS when I game, stream, and record. The problem is that recording is a CPU intensive process. I tried to record using a CPU 2 tiers above yours and it was very low quality because the CPU couldn't handle the game and the stream. Most of the big streamers and YouTubers you see use 2 PC's, 1 as their encoder for streaming/recording and 1 to game on. Not that the newer I7's and Ryzen CPUs are out it's possible to do both on the same machine.
http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/cpu-hierarchy,4312.html That's a link to this sites CPU hierarchy chart. As you'll see your CPU is very far down the list. This means that its not fast enough to handle gaming and streaming/recording. It's almost not enough to game on anymore as games are needing more and more power.