Best oc settings


Aug 22, 2014
Hi all I have recently upgraded my pc I have new cpu new GPU new psu new everything really but ram I should get that in a few days maybe next week anyways I recently bought gta v I originally had a 4100 fx blk Ed and my game was jumping every so often I upgraded to an 8320 fx blk Ed with the wraith cooler the game still jumps not as much though it's hardly noticeable I was just wondering what the best oc settings are I don't know anything about overlooking never really done to myself I want to elicited the stuttering

My specs
MSI gaming 970 mobile
AMD fx 8320 cpu with wraith cooler
MSI RX480 gaming x 8gb
8gb team ram not to sure on the clock speeds though
I also bought a new corsair cm750 semi modular psu
Anyways I want to know what the best over clocking speeds are I'm not too sure how to do it either so a tutorial on manual over clocking would help I can't use ov genie because of ram however in a week or so I should be upgrading to 16 gb corsair vengeance with max speeds of 2133 mhz (the max my mobo allows in Oc)

I would just like a tutorial on how to do it a basic one cause iv read that quite a few people over clocked their 8320 to 4.5 mhz and it eliminated all stutters so any help would be aprocoated

Note another reason I can't use oc genie is because my pc dosnt boot forst time especially with pc mode on
That's why I'm upgrading my ram to prevent this
Any help would be appreciated thanks

Learned my current rams are 1333 mhz

Note also will be getting 8 by Tuesday 16gb 2133 mhz rams by wednesday
Thanks ador no I will be sure to check this out when I have my new rams for some reason I don't get a full bios screen when I boot up or go straight to bios I'm assuming and can only narrow it down to a ram issue as every other component in the system has been upgraded but the ram has stayed through the out all 5 years I will be sure to check this thanks

By every component I mean mobo gpu cpu fans coolers psu wireless adapter only thing that hasn't changed is the ram haha

But like I said I will check this out when I get my new ram because I want to clock my constant 4 ghz up to 4.5 read about that 4.5 keeps gta stable at constant rates with this same gpu configuration my cpu supports a max clock of up to 5ghz thanks again bro
I notices my graphics card drivers when I installed cane with radeon settings uo to date version I can change voltages and yhat on their I just don't think I can change cpu voltages but I will have a look at this guide you sent me thanks