best option for my AMD FX-4300?


Jul 17, 2016

I've got some old computer parts floating around, and I've given it a thought to just make a htpc/gamer pc out of it. No not for ultra settings! but playable lag free!

I'm wondering if a gtx 1060 is overkill for that cpu, and that a gtx 1050 or 1050ti is better, or if I can get a 970 for a fair price it will be worth it.

What I've got now is:
Cpu: AMD FX-4300, might OC
Mb: M5A97 R2.0 w/16gb 1600MHz
PSU: PS-VTK-550W-24P-V2 (and one old 400w psu, might use a dual psu adapter if needed, and use one psu on the mb and the other on the gpu)
What resolution do you plan to play at? I just bought a GTX 1050 for my HTPC (haven't done any gaming) but the benchmarks are pretty impressive. I do agree that a 1060 is probably overkill unless you plan on upgrading the CPU down the road.

I would say stay away from CPU heavy games because that 4300 will drag you down.
Not so sure that the FX-4300 will drag me that much down:
Down the line I might go with the FX-8xxx, but I'm starting to feel that AM3+ is starting to be obsolete...

For my gaming rig I went with the i7-6700k & gtx 1070, amazing rig, but thats for another thread 😛

1080p I guess, or maybe less... It's gonna be hooked up to "Epson TW5210 Projector" w/60hz.

"Rise of the Tomb Raider" will be the most intensive game besides GTA V that this rig will meet so far, it's for my GF. And she doesnt mind not playing on ultra and 120+ fps, as long as it doesnt lagg she's ok with it. But occationaly I'd like to game on the 100" too, and for that I want a decent gpu that this FX wount bottleneck too much.
One idea is to get a 1050 and run your games on a locked 30fps. There will be no lag, no framerate dips. This is obviously only a good choice for people who don't require high average framerates as long as there are no wild swings between low and high fps. Your gf sounds like someone who would like a rock solid 30 fps experience.
I can go along with that, but I just read something about crossfire.
And doing so I can futureproof more.... going with a RX 480 4gb, I can just later drop in another 4gb card, change out the MB & cpu down the road and I'm good to go again 😛