Best option to route Ethernet to basement?


Jul 17, 2015
I was thinking of moving my setup to my basement where it would be cooler for my pc and quieter.

What would be my best option as my router and modem are upstairs and can't be moved?
I was thinking a powerline adapter would be best, rather than trying to get a wifi adapter for down there, but what do you guys think?

Are you the homeowner?
If question...drill whatever holes are needed, and run Cat5e down there. Preferably through a conduit.

If not, then your options are a bit limited.
A powerline solution is very much house specific. What works great in my house may not work great in yours.
Ive done powerline set ups before, but can verify gaming performance etc. I had no trouble getting it working in a 150 year old house too. Do you have an open ceiling in the basement? I just drilled holes in each room along the baseboard. I added Ethernet jacks over the holes.
Powerline adapters are certainly an option, how does your cable come in? Is it drilled through the floor or in a wall outlet? You could run a new cat5 or cat6 near the router through the floor and run it around the basement and crimp new ends on it. Is the basement finished or open floor joists to 1F? Could still Poke through the floor and put a wireless AP right as it comes into a finished basement ceiling.
Are you the homeowner?
If question...drill whatever holes are needed, and run Cat5e down there. Preferably through a conduit.

If not, then your options are a bit limited.
A powerline solution is very much house specific. What works great in my house may not work great in yours.
Oh ok I gotcha.

Yeah drilling a hole isn’t an issue. Only wanted to check to make sure before doing any of that. Luckily my router is almost directly above where I was planning on moving my setup to so drilling out a hole should work out quite fine.
Thanks all!
We rent, but thankfully my connection comes into the basement, so I have ethernet routed through the open ceiling to my router which is sitting on top of a floor joist directly under my living room floor. Then another cable going back to a switch where I plug in my PC and can plug in other devices as well.