Best Os for gaming?


Jan 4, 2014
I've used windows 7 for a long time and I was thinking of upgrading to windows 8 or 8.1 for my new build but I just wanna know the differences gaming wise and hear from other gamer's that may have had experience with both windows 8 and 7 for gaming and overall use.

Also can you use the desktop 100% in windows 8 now or is it still pretty limited?

I'm really looking for a change Windows 7 is just getting a little boring to me but also I guess I'm wanting to know if you can download programs the same way in windows 8 or do you have to install everything through apps?
Windows 8.1 will give you better performance but only around 5 more fps if you do make the switch. If that's the only reason you want to go with windows 8 then it's not worth it.

The desktop isn't limited like Windows RT, so it is a fully functional desktop like win7.

You can download both windows store apps and other apps like Mozilla firefox, office 2013, steam etc.
Windows 8.1, you can boot directly into the Desktop. Rarely have to interface with Metro mode.

Performance? It has been reported that it is a teeny bit faster in some games. And you will also get future DirectX updates (12 and beyond), unlike Win 7.

For a new build, there is little reason to not go with 8.1.

Completely different.

On a desktop machine, it looks and acts a whole lot like 7, but with Win 8.1 enhancements.

No board currently sold has Windows 10 in the spec sheet. But it will run.
Just like Win 10 runs on my 4 year old Toshiba laptop.