Best overall CPU? for $240


Jan 25, 2015
So as the title suggest I want to know what the best overall CPU is for $240.
I want to be able to game with it, program with it, stream movies to my TV etc.
I also would like to overclock it.

As of now I'm thinking of either getting I5-4690K, FX-9590 or even waiting till the next generation of CPU's( Steamroller & Broadwell/Skylake)
What do you think?
I can't recommend AMD right now because AM3/+ is already quite old and their next line isn't slated for release until 2016. I'd go with the i5-4690K right now, as it gives you good overclockability and will run everything you want quite well.

Not just quite well...VERY well. In terms of gaming you can't really get much more out of anything else right now.

When it comes to other tasks which are more processor based there are only a handful of options that would give you any noticeable performance gains.

At that price point you won't beat the i5-4690K...


You are willing to not overclock it ever, in which case you can get the non "k" version which is locked and slap it on an H97 board. This will save you money and give you high stability and lifespan.

I'm well aware, you're nitpicking at a word I chose when you are saying the same thing.

No offence. It just sounded like you are underplaying, what is clearly the best choice for OP's budget. I wanted to clarify and hit home that this is the best piece of hardware his money will buy him.
So a AMD CPU isn't recommended right now, but what about waiting for the broadwell unlocked CPU's?
I heard it is coming out in Q2 2015.
So most likely in June.
Do you guys think it is worth the wait or should I just pick the 4690K up next month.

I'm probably getting the ASUS Maximus VII Ranger but I don't want to spend another $240 for a CPU in 2 years time.

If the difference is most likely small, I guess that I could build my PC next month.


For longevity reasons I would recommend staying clear of AMD cpu's...which the company won't be gearing toward gaming anyway further down the line.

The i5 mentioned is the best choice at that price point and will give you years of great to good performance in demanding games.

Good luck with the build, let us know how it turns out!