Best PC Virtual Reality Headsets

Don't agree. Every serious review of the Vive Pro foiund it lacking and way too expensive (1'500 including all you need to play). The Odyssey+ (!) also has a better picture quality w/o screendoor effect. Only the inside out tracking is inferior to the Vive Pro, but that at a third of the price. The Rift also needs the base stations to use, so the price comparison is wrong.
Odyssey should be both the Value Winner and the Overall Winner.
The upgraded Samsung Odyssey + has Been out since Oct 2018 ($399) and the reviewer is too inept to review the current model that has the same image sensor and resolution as the Vivo Pro but 1/3 the price.
Who's the moron that wrote a Feb 2019 article and reviewed the OLD Samsung Odyssey when the NEW upgraded version has been out since Oct 2018 and is only $399.
Don't agree. Every serious review of the Vive Pro foiund it lacking and way too expensive (1'500 including all you need to play). The Odyssey+ (!) also has a better picture quality w/o screendoor effect. Only the inside out tracking is inferior to the Vive Pro, but that at a third of the price. The Rift also needs the base stations to use, so the price comparison is wrong.
Odyssey should be both the Value Winner and the Overall Winner.

I agree that the Odyssey+ could be the best Value and Overall winner. I can't say for sure, because I haven't tried it. But the rest of your comment doesn't make any sense at all. The Vive Pro won best Splurge headset. Every single site says it is the best VR headset, when you don't consider the price, hence "Splurge". Then you talk about the Oculus Rift which is not even on the list...
I’m calling BS on this... The quest tracking is literally identical to that of the WMR setups in terms of camera position and field of view... It is also likely that the headset is using very similar cameras and yet you decide it’s the best of the bunch while dogging the WMR models for their tracking.

I have both a Rift S and an Odyssey+… To me, I don’t see a huge difference in the tracking between the two. There is however an ever so slight edge to the Rift S, but it is there, and that’s likely due to the additional cameras, but it is by no means huge.
amazing how you ignore the best version of the Oculus Rift (S), which is pennies more then those mixed reality cell phone toys and doesn't need a tracking cam to give you perfect head movement. It also has some of the best visuals of all of the headsets, it's lone downfall being the poor sound. (which I rectified for $20)
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Samsung Odyssey+ best value, Valve Index best Splurge. Everything else competes in the mid-range and can be open for debate. This article angered me enough to figure out my username and password just to post this.
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Please stop posting this trash month after month. Vive Pro is best at nothing in 2020. It wasn't even best at anything in 2019!!!

This list should be made up of Oculus Go (Budget Standalone), Oculus Quest (Standalone), Samsung Odyssey+ (Entry), Valve Index (Splurge/Refresh Rate/Tracking), HP Reverb (Visuals), Pimax (FOV).
Is whoever copies & pastes these articles ok? Are they having a stroke? Has anyone checked in on them recently?

You've been getting the EXACT same feedback calling out the problems with this list for over a year - mainly that it's missing the Odyssey+, which any tech reviewer WITH EVEN A SINGLE , LONELY NEURON IN THIER SKULL will see is the best entry level value at $280.

The incompetence shown in this list is incredible. It's like it was outsourced to a high school student that then scrambles to complete it in 8 minutes the morning it is due.

Author and editor should be fired and replaced with people who actually research and give a <Mod Edit> about the stuff they are writing.
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