Games like battlefield, Medal of Honor , COD etc on 5760 x 1080
Nvidia Options
Single GTX Titan 6gigs
Single GTX 690 2 x 2 gigs
SLI GTX 680 2 gigs
SLI GTX 670 4 gigs
ATI Options
Crossfire 7970 3 gigs
Tripple X fire 7950 3 gigs
PLEASE advise as to what of above options will give me the best performance.
Nvidia Options
Single GTX Titan 6gigs
Single GTX 690 2 x 2 gigs
SLI GTX 680 2 gigs
SLI GTX 670 4 gigs
ATI Options
Crossfire 7970 3 gigs
Tripple X fire 7950 3 gigs
PLEASE advise as to what of above options will give me the best performance.