FrozenSpark :
I might get the GTX 970 for better software and less power consumption as my 750W WideTECH PSU isnt very stable. Also the GTX 970 have better performance for me as i only use a 900p Screen!
Good idea? Also is this a good version of the GTX970?
That 970 is fine. Good choice.
A 970 (or 390) is a lot of horsepower for a 900p monitor. Probably overkill really, but you should certainly be able to dial all the settings up nice and high.
I am worried about your PSU with a nice (expensive) new graphics card. I'm not familiar with "WideTech". Do you have grounds to suspect it's not very stable, or are you just guessing?
Is it this one?
It might be okay but there's just no decent info that I can find on it. Their website just goes to a blank page and the spec-sheets on the couple of online stores that still list it don't provide any power ratings at the various wattages. That's crazy because that's one of the most fundamental things ratings. It's also really difficult to find any reviews, it seems like because it's a 230V only model with very limited availability.
Have you had the PSU for a couple of years already? If so, I'd strongly suggest that you consider it's done it's job and get yourself a new one. You can chuck a good XFX unit in with your video card in the pccasegear order for an extra $80:
If you're really unwilling to do that, at least start a new thread asking for info on the PSU (provide the make+model number, and the full specs for your build). There are plenty of people around who know a lot more about PSUs than I do, they might be able to help. It
might be okay, a GTX 970 doesn't need a high end PSU. BUT, the problem is that it very well might not be okay too, at this stage we just don't know. There are really bad PSUs on the market that claim to be "750W" but are likely to fail catastrophically under any kind of gaming load... what's worse is that when they do they can not only fry themselves, but any and all devices connected to them. Plenty of people have lost high end gear by cheaping out on the PSU.
Definitely worth upgrading or at least doing a bit more digging before connecting up your sparkly new $500 graphics card.