best place to find compatible Chip-sets ( i7-7700k ) ????

Feb 14, 2018
Chip-sets compatible for the i7-7700k

I have the Asrock deskmini ( mini Stx h110 ) which has the h110 chip-set
I have 32 gigs of 260 sodimm ( 2 x 16 gb )

I was looking into other possible Motherboards upgrades that Take Sodimm, I have found a few in the h110 chip-set.

but I just recently found out the Z270 are also compatible with the i7-7700k.
Is there a list anywhere to see what other chip-sets may be compatible ?

any help would be greatly appreciated :)

thanks in advance
any 200 series board, math geek seemed to suggest 100 and 300 would be compatible. 100 will only work with a bios update from a 6000 series cpu, unless you are very lucky.
any lga 1151 board should be compatible. the chipset dictates features available to the board.

keep in mind though that cpu is rather power hungry and not every cheap board is made to support the power draw it uses. especially if you try to oc it. a cheap board may not be able to handle the power draw of an oc'ed 7700k. the "z" boards are designed for overclocking even though some of the cheaper chipsets can enable it. they are not designed with oc in mind so they do not have the power delivery or other features the z boards offer. is a good place to filter out various motherboards and such that fit your needs. put your 7700k into the cpu slot and it'll only show you mobo's that can support the cpu. then start to filter for other features you want/need.

Watch out with saying any. The 300 series does NOT work with the 7700k.
oops sorry.

forgot to add the 300 series * there. thanks for fixing that for me :) he already has a 110 board so figured he already had the ability to update bios on one of them.

with a bios update many 300 series will work but that is not 100%. stick to 200 series or older for max compatibility.

my Specific 110 came with the bios updated ( from factory ) making it Kabby lake compatible.. I do want to thank all of you for the Info, ultimately I decided to Just Build a second Rig , ( had some old DDR3 laying around , and picked up a x3430 for $7, and a cheap p7h55 mobo on ebay )