Best PSU for multiple GPUs


Mar 10, 2014
This might be the wrong forum, if so I'm sorry. But I'm going to be buying a PC off of my buddy, and it has a 4770k and a 660 in it. I'm already planning on throwing a 970 in there, and originally I was going to sell the 660 to fund it, but then I got thinking, what if I used it as a dedicated PhysX card? So my first question is: is the 660 a worthwhile PhysX card? And secondly, what kind of PSU would I need to sit comfortably with that setup? His currently has a 500W, so I know that I would obviously need to upgrade that. But would around 750 be enough, or would I want to go higher? Any help is greatly appreciated! :)
a Corsair HX750 (750W) would be a great psu for your needs. And yes get 750W for multi gpu setups.

As far as PhysX goes, there are mixed views, most say that a PhysX card slows down your pc while others says it does. So you'll have to experiment.

However, you have a gtx 970, and if your only gaming at 1080P then don't put a gtx 660 in there since the gtx 970 will not be at full load when gaming at 1080P, use PhysX to give the gtx 970 more work.
a Corsair HX750 (750W) would be a great psu for your needs. And yes get 750W for multi gpu setups.

As far as PhysX goes, there are mixed views, most say that a PhysX card slows down your pc while others says it does. So you'll have to experiment.

However, you have a gtx 970, and if your only gaming at 1080P then don't put a gtx 660 in there since the gtx 970 will not be at full load when gaming at 1080P, use PhysX to give the gtx 970 more work.


Mar 10, 2014

So if I just had the 4770k and the 970 (I'm not planning on overclocking a ton at the moment, as it's not really needed), would the 500 watt PSU be enough? Or would I want to go with a 750?

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