Best PSU to choose


Jun 13, 2013
Hello, I had the issue of my PC one random day after coming home and trying turning it on to just drop the power breaker of the house. It was questioned in another post and the PSU was done, I returned it and they informed me it was indeed done and that a new one is on it's way.
The PSU in question is: XFX TS 750W. I have it since March 2015. Now that a new one is on it's way, I am not obliged to accept it. I can let the shop keep it (since it's brand new) and allow me to spend the money I paid for that PSU on anything else in their shop and if needed add some more money for something more expensive. I thought XFX was making good PSUs but after what happened (I just plugged the thing outside of the PC and the whole house went black) I am not so sure. Maybe I got unlucky getting a faulty unit. Maybe XFX or that specific model are indeed bad.
So I need to know if I should stick with the same thing or go for something more expensive.
I found in the shop SEASONIC S12G-750 750W on about 115euro which is Tier2 PSU on tomshardware's PSU tier list. Do you think that this XFX is ok and just stick with the new that's coming, do you think I should go for the Seasonic Gold I mentioned or go for something else?

Specs (nothing Overclocked):
Intel Core i7 3770k
Asus GTX970 Strix 4GB
Asus P8H77-v LE (mobo)
4x Corsair Vengaence 4gb DDR3 1600mhz
2x HardDrives + 1x SSD
if you can get the seasonic 750 i would try you luck with that. it was prolly just fluk unit as the xfx are suppost to be pretty good( and even use some of the same componets as the seasonic) but it from what it sounds like the first XFX unit did not pass the hipot quality test which technically EVERY unit should be tested for so they must have hampered somewhere in the quality check. and since most parts are seasonic anyway
you mine as well go with the real thing. and not another XFX rebrand. dont care how good they are supposed to be you are living proof that they failed and in my opinion fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame me.

Dude it's just a faulty unit. Seasonic's rebrands are often cheaper than Seasonic-name units anyway because they don't carry the Seasonic name.
You all guys seem pretty confident that it was a faulty unit. I would tend to go there since on my room I changed nothing, plugged in nothing more than it was before. Just closed the PC went out only to come home and press the POWER ON button just to go black. I even took it out, went to another appartment plugged the PSU by itself, connected to nothing, placed on a wooden table just to make the other appartment go black too.
I paid for the XFX TS 750W around 75euro. It was on sale back then. My mom told me "I wouldn't trust stuff sold cheaper". Now they sell it for 109euro. If I ask them to keep the new unit and credit me the money it costs to buy something from their shop, I don't know which amount they will. Probably they will the 75euro and they would be right since my reciept sais 75euro and that's how much I paid even though they sell it for more now but I don't know. I haven't lost all my trust on XFX but if they credit me 109euro they sell it now, I would happily go for the Seasonic adding like 10euro more since this XFX is Bronze rated and that Seasonic is Gold :)
Would have to ask them once I go there.
yeah, i also like nike shoe's and under armor even though no matter what i buy it says made in malaysia, in not going to downgrade to newline. cause nike is my thing! i pay for and i get what i pay for, has always will always will always be so, you pay 75$ you get 75 $ quality, did it come with mail in rebate and game too?
the boards may all come from the same line, and that's about it, how the board is then put in the casing, the thermal past they use, the amount they use, the attachment to the case and the grounding out of the components(which was obviously faulty btw) and the test procedures that each manufacture undergoes after everything is BUILT is totally/to make it clear completely up to the end manufacturer! and not the line that it came off of. other wise you could say that well all seasonic units are actually XFX units! but people don't do that cause people now damn well that seasonic units are better and it sounds better and more professional the other way around and that is EXCATLY WHY HE GOT A BAD XFX UNIT and will not get a bad seasonic unit. get a grip man xfx is second tier to second tier of seasonic otherwise they would make their own products seeing as they are direct competitors