Question Best quality/price for CPU upgrade

Judging by 2700x with good cooling and on good MB, OC is all but not needed. I get just 5% less performance using PBO over full OC to 4.3GHz. Give it fast RAM and let fly.
That is what i want to do... I want to buy the new 3700x for gaming+streaming and then when i will save Money i want to buy Water cooling so i can overclock the 3700x... Buying now the 2700x is not worth because in 2 weeks the new gen will be on sale at the same price but more powerfull.
So my question is... That ram at 3200 and that MB with the 970 plus Evo nvme is a good purchase? I was looking and that MB and RAM are very very good And i think they are perfect for the new 3700x
That is what i want to do... I want to buy the new 3700x for gaming+streaming and then when i will save Money i want to buy Water cooling so i can overclock the 3700x... Buying now the 2700x is not worth because in 2 weeks the new gen will be on sale at the same price but more powerfull.
So my question is... That ram at 3200 and that MB with the 970 plus Evo nvme is a good purchase? I was looking and that MB and RAM are very very good And i think they are perfect for the new 3700x
Well, in my experience with 2700x and older Ryzens (1600x and 1700x), 3200 MHZ RAM is fine with 3600MHz giving me ever so slight advantage in benchmark scores making it practically imperceptible in real life work.
As you probably know, IMC (Internal Memory Controller) is in the CPU itself and each one has own "natural" frequency above which actual IMC is overclocked, not only RAM. 2666MHz for first gen and 3000Mhz for 2nd gen Ryzen. 3rd gen is purported to go as high as 4000MHz. but that can't be confirmed until tested properly. In any case 2nd gen, given adequate MB and BIOS can go as high as 4000MHz when pushed hard.
Also, during my testing, actual scores for CPU and RAM are tied together. OC-ing one also raises scores of other one. That's why I think it may be advantageous to start with as fast RAM as possible.
My plans are with 3800x tops, with 3600MHz RAM it should be quite a jump, at least like it was from 1700x to 2700x or more.
Well, in my experience with 2700x and older Ryzens (1600x and 1700x), 3200 MHZ RAM is fine with 3600MHz giving me ever so slight advantage in benchmark scores making it practically imperceptible in real life work.
As you probably know, IMC (Internal Memory Controller) is in the CPU itself and each one has own "natural" frequency above which actual IMC is overclocked, not only RAM. 2666MHz for first gen and 3000Mhz for 2nd gen Ryzen. 3rd gen is purported to go as high as 4000MHz. but that can't be confirmed until tested properly. In any case 2nd gen, given adequate MB and BIOS can go as high as 4000MHz when pushed hard.
Also, during my testing, actual scores for CPU and RAM are tied together. OC-ing one also raises scores of other one. That's why I think it may be advantageous to start with as fast RAM as possible.
My plans are with 3800x tops, with 3600MHz RAM it should be quite a jump, at least like it was from 1700x to 2700x or more.
So you think the AORUS x470 and the Kingston Predator 3200 are very good for the price? Also i think the 970 evo plus from samsung is a beast ssd for the price.
What you think guys?