Hey guys, I have just cleared school. I would like to assemble a low-end gaming machine. My budget is really tight. I have decided upon getting a core 2 quad q6600 processor (i plan to overcloack to at least 3ghz), a board with an fsb of 1333mhz with overclocking ability, 4gb of ddr3 ram, and a 1tb hard disk. I know guys will be quick to ridicule me and tell me to get an i5 or something current, but we all know you can never have anything current with pcs, besides my budget won't allow it. Am really stumped with the choice for a video card, I have these three on my mind: Radeon 4850, Radeon 4870, Radeon 4890 and a Radeon 4870 x2. I intend to play at 1280x1024. Again, cue the ridicule,lol! My question is, which of the 4 cards would provide me with the most cost-effective playing experience at that resolution? I have a huge collection of games I've been piling from the days I was in school, I just didn't have the time (and money) to even give a thought to games. Thanks.
PS. I have a 700w power supply unit.
PS. I have a 700w power supply unit.