Like Intel, Ryzen doesn't have ram speed limits other than what can be accomplished by the cpu and what is allowed by bios. I've seen 3600 on a 1st release, but it was junk because of cpu limits of 3466MHz for infinity fabric.
The biggest issue facing first release was compatability. Samsung B-die had the best at 3200/14 and a few 3200/16's, SkHynix with the popular Corsair LPX had the worst and you were lucky to get 2400 out of a pair. Agesa has since rectified most of that, but generally 2933MHz was the best ppl got without using B-die.
Not sure exactly how much of that is still in affect, or how much Agesa has fixed the issue, since with subsequent Agesa releases people have quit complaining and having measuring contests to see...