Best Rendering System

It really depends on what your budget is. However in General 3D software benefits from more cores. Photoshop doesn't matter and video encoding can go either way (raw speed or many cores).

The best balance would be something like FX 8320 or 4670K/4770K. If you do a lot of 3D, then the 4930K or Xeons will benefit.
Sorry, I don't have experience with that CPU and I do not play games. My guess is that it will perform similar to an fx 4300 except it has onboard GPU. Gaming in general is more GPU dependent. My guess is with the 7850k you may be able to play at 720p.

For photoshop, you will be fine. That does not stress GPU or CPU too much. Maya and 3D Max will always perform better with more cores, so the 7850k may hinder that a bit. Depends on what you render. If you are just doing 3D still scenes, then it is fine. I've never used it for developing game graphics and characters, which is what it seems like you may want to do. I've never had issues modelling for animated films, even with an old AMD 700MHz way back, but rendering is another story (the 7850k should be sufficient for hobby work).