best screen cleaner??


Dec 6, 2011
Pretty sure most of you just use a damp cloth. Im looking for something better, Im a smoker and my lovely monitor is losing the colors. I bougth it one year ago and man It had a white color that hurt my eyes. Nowadays is dull/yellow. I think that I will buy a specific product for cleaning. Im looking in amazons page. I see diferente products/prices, Im not sure if it will worth the expensive one. Any recomendations? Thank you and sorry my english :heink:

Nope, I use Bausch & Lomb wipes for glasses. But amazon shows they may have changed the formula recently so might need to do some homework. But they USED to be streak free, just enough wetness to dry as you wiped almost. I've been using them on my Dell 24in, LG/Acer 22in for 6yrs each and every other monitor I've had for the last 15yrs or so.
Note a few of the latest reviews say formula sucks now and streaks, but some also say just fine so maybe just a bad batch? $12 box lasted for years from costco (weren't $12 when I bought either, and a different name I think) as I only have to do the monitors once every few months tops. If you touch our screens here you get broken fingers :) So only the occasional sneeze that slips by or something needs cleaned.

Smoker? Switch to liquid/e-cigs. I used to have a co-worker that used to do it right next to me with a little battery operated vaporizer. I couldn't even smell it, and he did it every break/lunch right there in the cubicle. We were both in one 2 pc cubicle, so I should have been able to tell if it would bother a non-smoker. He went from sounding like a smoker (hacking/coughing etc) to not ever coughing in a day. At 28 or so he shouldn't have been hacking all day, so it was a major improvement and nobody thought he stunk (a bonus he said...LOL). You get your nicotine fix without the deadly stuff or offending others. Just a thought, and I'm pretty sure he got more for his money that way IIRC. If you live some place where they are $6-10 pack (more?), the liquid will save you tons of cash.

How they are designed and how they function are two different things. IE I have 3 different window cleaners (windex etc) and they don't all work the same. One leaves a film, one streaks, one works as it should...LOL. Read the comments the cleaners and you'll see people whining like the example I gave. People are complaining it's no longer the same formula (maybe just at amazon with a bad batch?, who knows). I've bought some kensington monitor cleaner I just had to toss as it was so filmy it was useless and that was the most expensive crap they had...LOL. I've bought pads for LCD that were so wet they were pretty useless (dripping!).