Best settings for an Asus VN247H Monitor


Oct 29, 2014
Hello guys.

I have 2 Asus VN247H 24" monitors. They're some fairly cheap monitors, but i still think they're pretty good. I use them for a lot of things, but mostly gaming, browsing the internet and watching movies.

I have no problem when im gaming or browsing, but whenever i want to watch a movie, i start noticing that the colors look quite odd. I've never really adjusted anything, except changing between the different modes.

I would mostly use the "Scenery" mode and the "Standard" mode. Scenery mode gives deeper colors, but for example when it is night in a movie, the black color kind of blurs out, and it becomes really difficult to see what is happening.

When i use the Standard mode, i'm able to see "dark scenes" much easier, at the cose of the colors in "light scenes", where the colors are kind of gray.

Right now i switch between the modes, if there is a scene with dark lighting i switch to standard mode, and when there is good lighting i switch to scenery mode.

What should i do, to optimize my monitors?

By the way, my monitors don't show the same colors, even though they're the same model. If i use the same white background on both monitors it will look different. I know this is normal, but can i do anything about it?

Thanks :)