Best single GPU for three 27" HD monitors?


Nov 30, 2015
Hello, I am looking to upgrade my rigs GPU to use all three of my monitors for gaming/movies/work/etc. I currently have an Asrock Z77 extreme4 mobo with an i7 2600k CPU and a GTX 570 GPU. I am searching for the best, single, GPU option for three, HDMI, 1080P, 27" monitors. Let's say the spending limit is $600+-$50. Any advice is welcome as I would like to upgrade soon. Thanks.
The 980 ti or the fury x would be best for what you need, and just fit the budget
You have to make sure that your power supply can handle those cards though

I currently have a Antec true power 750. AC input : 100V - 240V/10A-5A/50Hz-60Hz. Would it suffice or would I need to upgrade the power supply as well?

Yup, that looks like it. Mine looks like an older version with different coloring but it still remains the same True Power 750W.