I'm deciding on a couple of different SSDs around the price range of 50-70 dollars.
I've been looking at 120 GB just cuz I'm only putting the OS in there since idc about loading time for programs and games. So far I came up with two:
SanDisk SSD PLUS 120GB
PNY CS1311 120 GB
Both are 2.5 inch SSDs. Which one would be better or if there is a better option or higher or idk.
Also while you're here I'm looking for a 2TB Hard Drive and so far I got that the SeaGate Barracuda 2TB is the best. Is that true?
I've been looking at 120 GB just cuz I'm only putting the OS in there since idc about loading time for programs and games. So far I came up with two:
SanDisk SSD PLUS 120GB
PNY CS1311 120 GB
Both are 2.5 inch SSDs. Which one would be better or if there is a better option or higher or idk.
Also while you're here I'm looking for a 2TB Hard Drive and so far I got that the SeaGate Barracuda 2TB is the best. Is that true?