D disaster101 Distinguished May 1, 2011 365 1 18,785 Jun 1, 2012 #1 i got a few programs reading temps but i dont know what one is accurate got the one that came with my motherboard turbo evo got speed fan and h/w monitor what ones the best?
i got a few programs reading temps but i dont know what one is accurate got the one that came with my motherboard turbo evo got speed fan and h/w monitor what ones the best?
D disaster101 Distinguished May 1, 2011 365 1 18,785 Jun 1, 2012 #3 ok well im new to intel and my chip is idle at roughly late 30 to 40c is that normal?
D disaster101 Distinguished May 1, 2011 365 1 18,785 Jun 1, 2012 #4 also found out what may be the problem now especially for high temps stressing i noticed the voltage was at 1.3 lowered it to 1.190 which has helped
also found out what may be the problem now especially for high temps stressing i noticed the voltage was at 1.3 lowered it to 1.190 which has helped
Vettedude Distinguished Apr 10, 2009 661 0 19,060 Jun 2, 2012 #5 30C is fine. My Core 2 Quad idles at 40.